Cannabis has multiple medicinal benefits that are currently very few known because its consumption has only become popular as something negative.
However, it has been proven that it has very positive effects on inflammation, nausea, it also manages to alleviate...
Hemorrhoids, also popularly known as piles, are one of those health disorders that, without being as serious as other diseases, can be considered one of the most annoying. For this reason, we are going to address what remedies exist,...
Some say that this yoga is a fad. But it's not like that. The practice of yoga has become a very suitable alternative and, even recommended by doctors, to prevent and alleviate certain diseases related to the aging of our body, heart diseases...
All over the world there are many people who experience joint pain on a day-to-day basis. Researchers no longer view it as solely a consequence of aging. Now there are many other causes: muscle or skeletal defects, genetic, obesity,...
The liver is one of the most important organs in the body, responsible for filtering toxins and waste products from the blood. However, many people don't realize the vital role the liver plays in overall health until it's too...
We are facing an oral ibuprofen, designed especially for the smallest of the house and which has become one of the most popular in the world on its own merits.
Despite being a drug that has children between 3 and...
The gastritis is what is known as inflammation of the stomach caused by various reasons. Reasons that range from the most common (ingestion of certain medications, too much alcohol or infection) to not so common causes (anemia, extreme stress, bile reflux, etc). It...
The homeopathy can be a great ally to alleviate your problems hoarseness. There are many homeopathic medicines in which no adverse effects have been found and are highly compatible with other medicines and therapies. Similarly, these types of medications are used by many...
The common cold, also called catarrh, is usually the reason for consultation that most collapses the health system at certain times of the year. Among the associated symptoms are headaches, earaches, general malaise, itchy throat, runny nose and nasal congestion.
What are Chinese balls, how careful we should be when using them and how to use them correctly to strengthen the pelvic floor and improve our quality of life.
Before starting and to get off on the right foot we...