Does yoga help prevent diseases?


Some say that this yoga is a fad. But it’s not like that. The practice of yoga has become a very suitable alternative and, even recommended by doctors, to prevent and alleviate certain diseases related to the aging of our body, heart diseases and degenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s. It only takes will, perseverance and positive thinking.

Yoga is an ancient philosophical discipline that comes from India (3000 BC). Although its origin is spiritual, it is not a religion, as many people believe. Nor is it a type of gymnastics, as it is often identified today.

Yoga is a science of health and its practice contributes to physical, mental and spiritual development. It is a path that leads to the union and balance of these three aspects of the human being: body, mind and spirit. A method of improvement that helps us understand our nature and what we need to live in harmony with ourselves and the environment that surrounds us.

Techniques to achieve balance

To maintain the balance between body and mind, yoga combines different techniques through movements and body postures, exercises to control breath and energy, meditation and relaxation. In this way, when yoga is practiced, body, mind and spirit work together to help us know ourselves deeply and thus achieve better physical health and ensure peace of mind.

To understand Yoga, it is necessary to personally experience and practice it constantly. With time and practice you will find that there is a change in your way of coping with life, a direct consequence of a better physical condition and inner peace.


The objective of yoga depends on the practitioner himself and his expectations. There are those who practice it to achieve a better physical condition or correct flawed postures; others to relax, disconnect and rest; others to develop the mind and increase the ability to concentrate; and others, many, to get to know themselves better and gain self-esteem. But what is indisputable are the benefits that its practice brings.

The practice of yoga helps to delay and prevent diseases and disabilities related to the aging of the body. It provides muscle flexibility, elasticity to the joints and strengthens the bones, correcting postural problems and releasing certain pain. Through breathing control techniques, it increases ventilation and lung capacity, helping to improve respiratory diseases.

In addition, it reactivates blood circulation, helping to achieve a better irrigation of the organs. Thanks to relaxation, physical and mental tensions are eliminated, preventing disorders such as depressions, phobias or insecurities. It also increases concentration levels and helps control and balance emotions and feelings.

Practicing yoga

Your own body will be the one who will tell you how far you can go with the postures and movements. You should never force the machine. The asanas (postures) will always be practiced smoothly and with slow movements and, when the body begins to complain (pain or discomfort), it should be stopped.

One of the main limitations of the elderly is respiratory failure. Therefore, if you practice yoga, breath control is very important. Pranayama (breathing techniques) will be performed with great care, fully expelling the air and emptying the lungs slowly and in a posture that allows the lungs to expand with little effort.

Learning relaxation techniques is difficult for those who have never practiced them, especially for older people who find it difficult to relax and leave their minds calm. That is why you have to learn slowly, little by little and increasing the time of dedication so that you feel more comfortable. If you feel cold, use a blanket to cover yourself and feel comfortable and help you relax. This discipline only requires constancy. It will be enough with 2 hours a week to find the balance it provides. Yoga does not ask to believe in anything, only in what you find for yourself.


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