How constipation can affect your inner well-being


Constipation is a relatively common condition in most people, and it occurs when you have not had a bowel movement for 48 hours. If you suffer from constipation, you know how annoying it can be and it sure affects your well-being and peace of mind. Therefore, here in this post you can learn how to channel this condition.

Why does constipation occur?

Constipation begins the moment your body does not eliminate stool properly. Stool becomes compacted, dry, and hard, making it more difficult to pass. Constipation can be caused by different factors. In this sense, it can be summarized that constipation occurs:

  1. Stool retention is mostly seen in people who have suffered from constipation for a long time or from the use of laxatives (as the muscles get used to them).
  2. The most common cause is a poor diet, low in fiber (vegetables, vegetables and cereals), which provides what is necessary for the intestinal tract to flow in the best way. As well as the excess of animal proteins.
  3. Also, drinking little fluids, having little physical activity, some changes in the body (hormonal problems, advanced age and pregnancy), influence that you do not evacuate with the proper frequency.
  4. There are diseases that cause constipation, such as: lupus, diabetes, sclerosis, hypothyroidism and CVA (cerebrovascular accidents). Also, some medications, such as antidepressants, diuretics and calcium and iron food supplements can affect this pathology.
  5. On the other hand, when you have a very hectic and stressful life, you skip going to the bathroom when appropriate. And in this way the defecation reflex is lost, causing the intestine to become lazy and then it is necessary to resort to laxatives.

Symptoms of constipation

All pathologies usually present symptoms, and in the case of constipation it is no exception. The symptoms of constipation can be very diverse, and among the most common we find:

Abdominal pain

Pain occurs in the abdomen and back, because the stool hardens, and gases are also produced that increase pain. They usually occur after meals and sometimes cause vomiting.


Being constipated causes a swollen belly, a feeling of fullness. In addition to causing constant discomfort. 

Presence of toxins

Stool stuck in the intestine produces toxins, which destroy protein and nutrients. Causing in turn major annoyances such as headache, fatigue, bad mood, nervousness. 


The fact that you do not expel the stool produces gases that cause pain and increase swelling.

Other symptoms of constipation, usually:

  • Blood in the rectum.
  • Distended abdomen with severe cramps.
  • Small episodes of diarrhea.
  • Pass very small stools.
  • Dizziness
  • Accelerated heart rate

Generally speaking, these are the symptoms of constipation. However, from one person to another they may vary, and present some to a greater extent or only some of them.

Treatment and recommendations to avoid constipation

You will surely ask what you should do to avoid constipation and what treatment you should use to improve your inner well-being:

  • Treatment, in particular, consists of eating a diet high in fiber daily, which includes: Fruits, vegetables, bread, cereals and vegetables. In addition, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids (eight glasses of water) a day, although in some cases it will depend on each organism and may require more.
  • Incorporate some physical activity into your routine, which allows you to move your bowels. And as soon as you feel like going to the bathroom, go immediately.
  • Avoid foods such as broccoli, cabbage, and carbonated drinks that cause gas.
  • Do not use suppositories or laxatives, unless the specialist has instructed you.

Take care of your inner well-being and treat constipation as soon as possible!


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