Discover organic food products


In Europe, the trend to produce good quality organic food has spread. Spain is in the leading group of countries that lead this practice. Organic food is obtained from agricultural and livestock production in the most natural way possible.

Fortunately, in recent years the concern for a healthier diet is more present every day in our world. Organic products are usually found in markets or places that are dedicated to natural food. In large surfaces, most of the time we only find industrialized products where chemical substances are present.

What are organic food products?

An organic food is obtained from agricultural and pecuniary production that is carried out in the most natural way. This kind of production is defined as a production management system that helps improve the ecosystem.

Management practices have to be the protagonists instead of fertilizers and pesticides, adapting the systems to each specific location. We are talking about a production system that respects the environment and produces healthier food.

The objective is to produce thanks to agronomic, mechanical and biological methods instead of using synthetic materials. All this makes the food produced more respectful with the environment, reducing water and soil contamination, helping the agri-food system to be more sustainable.

What is the production of organic food based on?

Let’s go with the principles:

  • Use as little pesticides or fertilizers as possible.
  • Use of pesticides of natural origin. Not synthetics.
  • Definition to establish permitted, restricted and prohibited materials.

Benefits of organic food

  • These foods are obtained starting from pure and natural ingredients, which have no risks of having been genetically modified or have artificial products added. In this way, the natural balance and the authentic flavor of the food are respected. Local biodiversity increases by using natural products.
  • As organic fertilizers of reduced solubility and in exact quantities are needed to obtain organic food, there is less contamination of the soil and groundwater.
  • Better air quality by not using pesticides.
  • By avoiding contamination at the environmental level, no phytosanitary residues and additives that cause a large number of food intolerances and allergies are produced.
  • It reduces or prevents hyperglycemia from appearing, since many non-organic foods have refined sugars that we assimilate quickly and often cause problems in our health.
  • As a consequence of the fact that the production of organic food requires more labor, this causes an increase in the supply of jobs.
  • The nutritional properties of foods are best preserved when they are fresh and mature in the sun, something that does not happen with vacuum packed foods.

Conventional food vs organic food

Although there is no definitive evidence as to whether an organic food product is safer or more nutritious than one that is produced conventionally, some studies have shown the differences between cattle that are fed with chemical formulas and those that are that they are with organic formulas, especially when we talk about the effects on the quality of the meat that can appear later.

One of the great differences between this kind of food can be found in appearance. Factors such as the color, brightness or size of foods can make them appear inferior when compared to conventional ones, making them not so attractive to the consumer.

Another important aspect is the shelf life, since they tend to last less than conventional foods.

On the contrary, the best organic foods, such as organic fruits and vegetables, have a greater number of vitamins and minerals than those produced in a conventional way, especially due to the lower water content and have more concentrated nutrients. If we add to all this that they do not have synthetic residues, we see how organic food is the most convenient.


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